If I feel angina than what is possibility of heart attack ?

01 Nov

If I feel angina than what is possibility of heart attack?

When an actor on TV or in the movies has a heart attack, it’s quite dramatic. In reality, however, symptoms can be more subtle and difficult to detect. Particularly in diabetes and old age patients it can be confused with noncardiac disease. Often it leads to delay in seeking consultation and treatment leading to adverse outcomes.

As per Best cardiologist in Apollo Hospital in Delhi – if you understand the differences – and the reasons for them – you’ll be able to get treatment sooner and possibly live longer.

Symptoms of a Heart Attack

A heart attack occurs when blood flow to your heart muscle is restricted or blocked, most commonly due to a clot in an artery. Without oxygen, your heart muscle suffers and may even die. The medical term for chest pain is angina. If symptoms of angina happen infrequently and on moderate to severe exertion we call it stable angina. But if the symptoms become frequent or persistent, occuring at lesser exertion or even at rest it is called unstable angina. It then becomes an indicator of impending heart attack.

Your chest pain could feel like this:

  • Discomfort
  • Pressure
  • Tightness
  • Burning \sFullness
  • Squeezing

“If you haven’t had it before, patients are often unsure what it is when it first appears,” says Best Cardiologist in South Delhi.

According to the same study, women were about 8 years older than men when they first developed heart problems, and they were more likely to report a higher intensity of five other symptoms:

  • Indigestion
  • Palpitations
  • Nausea
  • Numbness in the fingers
  • Unusual and overwhelming exhaustion

According to the study, 21% of women and 10% of men had no symptoms at all. Less common symptoms for both men and women include:

  • Neck, arm, jaw, back, or stomach discomfort
  • Breathing difficulty
  • Dizziness
Sweating cold

”Men and women may react differently to heart attack symptoms, especially if the symptoms are vague.”. But if you have symptoms of a heart attack, don’t stay at home. “Go to the hospital,” advises Dr Vivek Kumar , Senior consultant Cardiology and Electrophysiology. Indraprastha Apollo Hospital,Sarita vihar, New Delhi

Identifying Angina

It’s your body’s way of telling you that something is wrong with your heart. Angina is a temporary chest pain or pressure caused by narrowing or blocking of the arteries that supply blood and oxygen to your heart. That means your heart is receiving less blood than your body requires for proper functioning. It is frequently triggered by strong emotions, physical activity, extreme hot and cold temperatures, or a heavy meal.

You may notice symptoms such as:
  • Pain or pressure in the chest
  • A squeezing sensation in your chest
  • Feeling of fullness in your centre of your chest
  • You are experiencing pain or discomfort in your shoulder, arm, back, neck, or jaw.
Angina Symptoms

Angina is stable. When you move, your narrowed arteries cause pain, pressure, and other symptoms. This can happen on a regular basis, and the symptoms usually go away when you rest. You can get relief from nitroglycerin if you’re under the care of a doctor.

This is why people experience pain or other symptoms when engaging in physical activities.

According to Best Heart Doctor in Apollo Hospital Delhi – Angina that is unstable. The stable type can occasionally become unstable. You may experience chest pain that becomes more intense, lasts longer, or occurs even when you are resting.

“You may experience chest discomfort while walking up a hill, but it will go away when you sit and rest,” says Dr Vivek Kumar Senior consultant, Cardiology and Electrophysiology , Indraprastha Apollo Hospital Sarita vihar New Delhi.

“What is truly concerning is when your ability to walk becomes increasingly limited.”This means that blood flow is reduced, and you are more likely to suffer a heart attack.”

Consider It Serious

“Angina is a warning sign. It’s basically telling you there’s a problem. It’s telling you your heart muscle isn’t getting enough blood. There’s a narrowing in your artery that can lead to a clot that could give you a heart attack,” explains Cardiologist in Apollo Hospital Delhi

Don’t dismiss it. To open up your arteries and ensure better blood flow to your heart, your doctor may recommend medications, balloon angioplasty, stents, or bypass surgery.

To get best advice or 2nd opinion about your heart problems can connect Dr vivek kumar senior consultant Cardiology and Electrophysiology Indraprastha Apollo Hospital Sarita vihar New Delhi.